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3 octobre 2024

Stage de M2 - Approches de faible rang pour la super-résolution en imagerie de fluorescence

Catégorie : Stagiaire



Title : Low-rank approximation methods for super-resolution fluorescence imaging

Abstract : Fluorescence is a key property of tissues that allows one for a precise characterization of biological samples. For instance, the nutritional properties and the resistance of wheat can be tracked during the plant’s growth by observing the grains at different stages.
In June 2024, experiments were conducted at the Synchrotron SOLEIL particle accelerator within a partnership with LASIRe (Univ. Lille), ENS Paris-Saclay and INRAE (Nantes). These experiments allowed for the acquisition of wheat grain images on the DISCO UV beamline.

The full-scope microscope Telemos covers the whole spatial region comprised in the sample with a high spatial resolution but with a low spectral resolution. Conversely, the microspectrofluorimeter Polypheme allows one for the acquisition of a small portion of a sample with a low spatial resolution but with a high spectral resolution.

In order to fully leverage the complementary resolutions of each acquisition device, and to optimize the beam time obtained by Synchrotron users, one may seek for images with high-resolution in each one of the three dimensions. This internship hence aims at designing super-resolution methods for fluorescence Synchrotron images.


For inquiries please contact clemence[dot]prevost[at]univ[dash]lille[dot]fr

The detailed proposal is available at https://cprevost4.github.io/assets/img/stage_M2.pdf


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(c) GdR IASIS - CNRS - 2024.